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To simplify your professional life and save you time, we have provided a simplified description of the billing process that lists the most important steps.

In this Article:

  • Creating invoice - First steps

  • Using invoice templates

  • Best way to automate the process

How to Write an Invoice - For Starters

Setting out to create your very first invoice might seem like a daunting task at first, but the fact of the matter is - you only need to do so much before the thing is complete. 

In other words, a standard invoice doesn’t require that much input when it comes to filling out all the mandatory fields. 

However, the very few fields you will find on a standard invoice are hugely important to a successful transaction. 

Now, where do you start?

Your Contact Information

One of the first things you have to type down when writing an invoice is the seller details. Put simple - this is your contact information. It can be either the name of a legal entity (e.g. company, organization) or a legal subject - a company representative or an independent contractor. 

The seller details also include:

  • Company’s Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

On certain occasions, you might need to include additional details, such as:

  • Company Registration Number

  • VAT number

  • IBAN 

  • Account No

  • Name of the Bank

The inclusion of these depends heavily on the type of transaction and the pre-made arrangements (if there are such). Suffice to say that the more details you include, the more transparent and smoother the transaction is.

So what’s next? 

Who is the Invoice Addressed to? 

No invoice is complete until it contains your partner’s contact details, otherwise known as billing details or bill to information. Once again, this can be either the name of a legal entity or a legal subject.

The customer details usually also include:

  • Company’s Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

With some transactions also requiring:

  • VAT number

  • IBAN 

  • Account No

  • Name of the Bank

Pro Tip: Using NUMBERO will make the process miles more simple as the invoicing app will automatically fill in all the mandatory fields for both the supplier and the recipient of the invoice. Try the NUMBERO App today!”

Product or Service Details

The invoice should also feature a description of the goods and services that you’re charging for. Once again - the more elaborate, the better. However, it shouldn’t be too long either. 

Instead, they should give enough concise information for your partner to understand what exactly they’re being charged for. 

The most common way to present this information is by ordering (itemizing) the goods in a table format. Here you can list the quantity/amount, rates and the subtotal. 

Payment Terms 

Perhaps the most crucial part of your invoice (okay - they’re all important), payment terms tell your partner when and how exactly you expect to be paid. 

The most common industry practice is to set a 30-day due period but bear in mind that some companies tend to pay later than the due date stated on the invoice. You can also charge the late fees, in the case of which you should clearly state it on the invoice.

It’s also here where you let your partner know what’s your preferred payment method. For those favouring a bank transfer, it will be necessary to add in your bank details. Alternatively, you can go for PayPal, check, credit card, etc. Regardless of your choice, it’s necessary to make it clear to the invoice recipient.

And Wrapping it Up…

So is there anything that we haven’t covered yet? Oh yes, a handful of things. First off - always make sure you also include the dates. That applies both to the date you created the invoice and the date the goods were delivered. 

There are many known instances when invoices lacking these crucial details have been used to the disadvantage of the supplier. 

No less importantly - make sure your invoice does indeed look like one. Invoices that are up to the industry standard are known to fare better in terms of timely transactions. 

Marking the billing document up with a headline that reads “Invoice” is just one of the ways. If you want to leave an impression, you can infuse the invoice with a bit of personality - colours, logo - anything to ensure the document bears some of your brand identity. 

Right, so - quite a few things to remember, after all? 

It would be a drag to go through this list every time you send out an invoice. But is there a way around it? Yes, there sure is one. Enter NUMBERO - the only invoice app you’ll ever need. 

Using Invoice Templates

NUMBERO App is an irreplaceable ally if your daily routine sees frequent use of invoices. For one, you won't need to go through the process of creating an invoice every time you need to bill someone.

Enter your details, customize the invoice design, and you have a working template that you can now use whenever you need to bill your business partners.

Naturally, you can adjust the details according to the type of transaction in question. The only thing that you, being the supplier, will change along the way is the recipient details. However, you won't get stuck here for too long either. 

NUMBERO invoicing App will fill out all the blanks for you, as long as the partner company is registered in the European VAT database or has been saved on your profile seriously. The VAT checker will locate the company in the enterprise register and do the work for you. 

But how about long-term collaborations that require repeated invoicing? Well - we also got a solution for that. 

NUMBERO - Fully Automated Invoicing 

Yes, you read that correctly - one of the many great features of the NUMBERO Invoicing app is the complete billing automatization. If the partnership requires regular billing, all you need to do is set a date for the recurring invoice, and the document will land in your partner’s inbox right on the selected day.

You can also select periodical billing, sending out an invoice once every two months. There are plenty of options for you to explore. 

The bottom line is - NUMBERO is the right app for those who opt for simple, efficient and transparent transactions. 

If you’re not too fond of writing invoices yourself or want to save some time to focus on more essential matters, you’re unlikely to find a better match for your needs. Try the NUMBERO Invoicing App today!